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Say goodbye to endless Netflix scrolling, and hello to the perfect movie night.
MovieTable is a free Airtable database of movies and their scores, so you can sort and filter by user ratings (Google Users % Liked, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic).

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Combine Movie Filters

Match specific combinations of categories and filters in seconds.

  • Show me romantic comedy movies from 2005 and newer
  • Show me Golden Globe nominees from 2021
  • Show me sci-fi movies directed by Christopher Nolan

Trusted Ratings

Aggregate and judge movies with the help of the industry's most respected ratings. Including Google's "Percent Liked" score.

Epic Data Size

Quickly find quality movies from a curated selection.
Detailed info on ratings, runtimes, awards, genres, and more help you find exactly what you need.
And trailers are just a click away.




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Favorite director? Looking for a specific group of actors?
We have you covered.

Runtime and Audience Rating

So you can find family friendly movies, and have the kids asleep by bedtime.

Scores you can trust

In addition to critical ratings, the unique "percent liked" score tells you how much normal people enjoyed a movie.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the movie database?

Our database is powered by Airtable, enabling the fastest and most comprehensive filtering, searching, and sorting functionalities.

Do I need an Airtable account?

Nope! Full access is provided, no Airtable account needed.

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